The District at Midtown – Construction Begins

SDW Engineers was a key consultant in the development of the District at Midtown. Over 12 months of design preparation has finally culminated with the start of construction.  With over $3 million in private site development and over $1 million in city infrastructure improvements, this project represents a huge investment in the City of Hattiesburg. Construction will also include a 100 room, 5 story Indigo Hotel and 4 retail and restaurant buildings.

As construction continues into late summer, much of the city storm drainage and sanitary sewer improvements are nearing completion along Chevy Chase Drive and South 30th Avenue.  Construction will then move to South 31st Avenue.  Also moving along is the building construction.  The 2 new buildings along the West side of South 31st Avenue are moving along at rapid pace with foundations, steal structures and roofs nearing completion.  On the East side of South 31st Avenue, the new retaining wall along Hardy Street is about half way completed and the hotel construction starting to tower over the site.