Izzards formula
Kerbys equation
tc = c (Ln/i1/2)0.467
Kirpichs equation
Kinematic equation
| L0.6 n0.6
tc = 0.0078 |
| S0.385
Bransby Williams equation
| L
tc = 21.3 |
| 5280 A0.1 S0.2
FAA equation
| 1.8 (1.1 - C) L0.5
tc = |
| S0.33
C = the dimensionless runoff coefficient
L = the distance traveled, in feet, and
S = the slope, in percent
Retardance coefficient
Very smooth asphalt: | 0.007
Tar and sand pavement: | 0.0075
Concrete: | 0.012
Tar and gravel pavement: | 0.017
Closely clipped sod: | 0.046
Dense bluegrass: | 0.060
Rainfall intensity
Time of concentration is calculated
from rainfall intensity iteratively
using an IDF curve. Enter the trial
rainfall intensity in inches per hour.
Use the calculated t
c to find a new
intensity from the IDF curve.
Rational coefficient
Downtown Business: | 0.70 - 0.95
Single Family Res: | 0.30 - 0.50
Asphalt/Concrete: | 0.70 - 0.95
Sandy Soil Lawn: | 0.05 - 0.20
Heavy Soil Lawn: | 0.13 - 0.35
Brick: | 0.70 - 0.85
Retardance roughness
Smooth Pavement: | 0.02
Poor grass, bare sod: | 0.30
Average grass: | 0.40
Dense grass: | 0.80
Mannings overland roughness
Concrete: | 0.011
Bare sand: | 0.010
Natural range: | 0.080
Bluegrass sod: | 0.450
Short prairie: | 0.150
Woods: | 0.450